Saturday, July 31, 2021




Are you still looking for effective exercises for the lower body,  to strengthen the thighs and buttocks, the main places where fat is stored.

Not anymore, this exercise that we will talk about helps you build the lower half of your body and prevent the accumulation of fat in the buttock area; “ it's squat”.

What is the squat? What are the benefits of squatting? How do you do squat? Does squatting make you lose weight? Let’s find out the benefits of this movement.



The squat is a bodybuilding movement that relies on the knee and foot joints and is ideal for strengthening the entire lower body.

The main muscles involved in its execution are the quadriceps, glutes, and adductors, as well as the lumbar and abdominals muscles.



The benefits of squatting are many, so you will have to include it in your sports routine, especially for women, because of the beauty it gives to the appearance of their bodies.

1) One of the best and fastest exercises that work to tighten the buttocks and abdominal muscles.

2) Helps to harmonize the shape of the body, and get a tight and attractive body.

3) It is one of the most important exercises in getting rid of cellulite, and white stretches in the skin.


Cellulite is an aesthetic problem for the skin, not a healthy one and it is a condition in which the skin is lumpy, usually affecting the buttocks and thighs.

4) It works to tighten the skin in the thighs area.

5) It stimulates the body to burn more calories.

6) Reduces the risk of serious injury to the lower body.

7) Improving physical abilities by gaining more strength, squatting can help you run faster and jump higher.

8) Squatting keeps bones strong.



To avoid injuries, you must follow the instructions and advice to reach the best possible results

*Stand with your head forward and chest raised.

*Open your feet shoulder-width apart, or a little wider.

*Keep your hands straight in front of you to help maintain balance.

*Bend your knees and start in a sitting position, keeping your head forward, and your upper body slightly forward.

*Lower down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, your knees are above your ankles, and don't go beyond your feet, and press your weight into your heels.

* Go back up by pushing hard on your legs to return to the initial position.

* Take a deep breath just before the descent and then breathe out during the ascent.

*Do three sets of 10 repetitions if you are a beginner.



some People who squat with the wrong method may hurt their knees.

Squatting with holding weights may increase the risk of injury of the knees or lower back when a person does not perform the exercise correctly; anyone performing with weights for the first time should follow a trainer.


The primary role of squatting is not weight loss; it is to strengthen the lower part of the body.

Certainly, the repetition of the squatting movement stimulates the burning of calories and prevents the storage of fat in the thighs and buttocks, but it remains insufficient to achieve satisfactory results, especially for those who suffer from a large increase in weight; but to reach a good and sure result, you must also stick it to a diet adapted to lose weight and add cardio exercises to burn enough more calories.




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Monday, July 26, 2021

Know the best vitamins & minerals for healthy immunity

 Vitamins and minerals to boost the immune system

Vitamins and minerals to boost the immune system

The immune system is responsible for maintaining the health of the body and protecting it from toxins, infections, and all diseases that threaten the body.

Therefore, it must be strengthened and boosted, especially in light of the spread of this Coronavirus pandemic.

Strengthening immunity system requires several things, the most important of them are exercising regularly, eating a healthy balanced diet, drinking enough water, sleeping for enough time, etc...

Vitamins and minerals are essential in our balanced diet, but what are the most important vitamins and minerals that boost our immune system?.

The top Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Immune System:

Natural food is the best source of minerals and vitamins because Nutrition experts advise that the immune system should be strengthened through nutrition instead of eating medicines and supplements.

Here are the top vitamins & minerals to boost your immune system:

1. Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is considered an antioxidant; it is necessary to strengthen the body's immunity and it contributes to increasing the number of white cells, and antibodies, and increases the levels of interferon, and works to protect cells from free radicals.

What’s interferon?

Interferon is a group of protein substances that are produced in the cells of the body as a result of exposure to a viral infection, or as the body's reaction to the presence of a tumor.

We find vitamin C in:

Black Currant - Red Pepper – Kiwifruit – Guava - Green Bell Pepper  -  Orange – Strawberries – Papaya – Broccoli – Kale - Parsley  - Pineapple- Cauliflower – Lemon – Grapefruit – Honeydew – Peas – Tomatoes -  Brussels sprouts.


2. Zinc:

Zinc is an important and rare mineral that must be taken daily via the diet. , it helps support brain function, maintain healthy hormone levels, synthesize DNA and proteins, and boost the immune system. It also serves as an assistant factor for more than 100 enzymes in the body.

We find zinc in:

Hummus - eggs – Legumes – oysters – chicken – Peanuts.


3. Vitamin D:

The importance of vitamin D lies in regulating calcium and phosphorous in the body, and it strengthens and maintains bones and teeth.

studies confirm its importance in boosting the immune system and protecting against infectious diseases, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, breast, colon, and prostate cancer.

We find vitamine D in:

The main source of vitamin D is by exposing to the sun at least three times per week, for 15 minutes.

we find it in some foods, but in small quantities, such as liver, tuna red meat, fish, salmon, and sardines.


4. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E  is one of the fat soluble vitamins and an antioxidant that has many benefits, the most important of which is boosting the immune system to reduce the risk of certain types of heart disease.

Prevents free radicals from damaging cells.

Elizabeth Sommer, a registered dietitian, and member of Persona's medical advisory board, says: “Vitamin E helps maintain the strength and vitality of the membranes of T cells (white blood cells), and T cells decrease with age, so maintaining an optimal intake of vitamin E is important in maintaining a well-functioning immune system”.

We find vitamin E in:

plant-based oils, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

Wheat germ oil - Sunflower, safflower, and soybean oil - Sunflower seeds – Almonds -Peanuts, peanut butter - Beet greens, collard greens, spinach – Pumpkin - Red bell pepper – Asparagus – Mango – Avocado.


5. Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is considered an anti-inflammation vitamin because of its importance role in boosting immune function.

Vitamin A participates in the development of the immune system and plays important roles in cellular immune responses.

Vitamin A has a powerful effect in the treatment of various infectious diseases.

We find vitamin A in:

The best sources of vitamin A are: Eggs - Cod liver oil - Orange and yellow vegetables and fruits - dark green, leafy vegetables - broccoli, spinach - Fortified skim milk - Fortified breakfast cereals.


6. folic acid:

Folic acid is important in DNA and protein synthesis.

Cellular immunity is particularly affected by the folic acid deficiency.

Folic acid deficiency can lead to decreased resistance to infection.

We find folic acid in:

Beans - lentils - green leafy vegetables – avocado, we find also folic acid in fortified foods also (check the label before buy); enriched pasta - enriched bread - enriched rice.


7. Iron:

Iron is an important mineral for first and secondary immune responses.

the body trying always to control the iron store carefully.

A marked deficiency of iron leads to a deterioration of non-specific immunity, which is the body's first line of defense against what threatens the health.

We find iron in:

Red meat, chicken, liver, sardines, oysters, mussels, and tuna, and is also found in beans, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, broccoli, cabbage, whole grains and egg yolks.


8. Selenium:

Selenium plays an important role in boosting the immune system; It is an antioxidant that helps lower inflammation and enhances immunity.

Studies have shown that increasing blood levels of selenium enhances immune response.

We find Selenium in:

walnut - seafood, and fish, such as tuna, halibut, sardines, and oysters.

Eggs - brown rice – chicken - white bread - Sunflower seeds – oats - liver and cheese.


* By maintaining a healthy, balanced diet, you can provide all your body needs of all nutrients, vitamins, and minerals; and this keeps your immune system stimulated and strengthened.







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Thursday, July 22, 2021



Swimming is one of the most enjoyable and beneficial sports, as its regular practice brings many benefits to the body, and it's for all groups and ages.

Learning the correct way to swim enhances its benefits on general health.

The benefits of swimming are not limited to the physical aspects only, but also include the mental and social aspects.

Adults should aim to get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, even younger children should be physically active as well.

Let’s get to the point; what is the benefit of swimming regularly?

swimming benefits


the benefits of swimming regularly


A study conducted by Indiana University Bloomington on the effect of physical fitness on aging says that the general people suffer from deteriorating physical health especially from the age of 45 and above, while swimmers of the same age maintain a much better mental and health condition.

2-Beneficial for the mental state:

Water gives the brain a sense of relaxation, as swimming helps to release dopamine in the body, which is the feel-good hormone; which promotes positive attitudes and a sense of well-being.

Swimming regularly can also reduce anxiety and depression, improve the quality of sleeping, and certainly lower stress levels.

3-It provides a whole body workout:

All muscles of the body participate in movement while swimming, therefore, it improves and strengthens muscles and enhances fitness.

4-Beneficial for the joints:

Swimming puts less stress on muscles and joints, it is considered as a good option for those who suffer from joints and muscle pain, as water reduces 90% of the weight stress on the joints; which help reduce some pains and improve the recovery from injuries.

5-Burns calories and weight loss:

Swimming is considered one of the most effective ways to burn calories.

Swimming in a moderate and medium way makes you burn almost twice as much as walking.

Swim moderately can burn over 200 calories in just one half an hour.

6-safe for pregnant:

Lots of research says that swimming is one of the safe exercises during pregnancy, as it adds a sense of confidence and psychological comfort to pregnant women.

Some women may have complications in pregnancy; they have to talk to their doctor before starting any activity programs.

7-Lowers the risk of diseases:

Like all cardio exercises, swimming strengthens the cardiovascular, so swimming just 30 minutes three times a week can help to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke, it also activates and improves the performance of blood circulation in the body, which reduces high cholesterol levels.

8-just awesome for people with disabilities:

Having a physical disability does not mean  inability  to do any sports activity; swimming is the best option for people with physical disabilities because water provides resistance and support for all body muscles.


Swimming is a useful and moderate sport, but the most important is suitable to everyone, young, old, and even those who suffer from diseases that do not enable them to practice aerobic sports such as asthma…

Exercising it regularly with a healthy balanced diet gives very impressive physical, psychological, mental, and even social results.





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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Are fats always bad for the body?


The real truth about fats


healthy fats

The common belief is that fat increases body weight and harmful to health; this is true but not 100 percent.

A truth that may seem surprising to some that there are healthy fats that are very useful in the metabolism and fat burning process; besides its importance for brain and heart health, hormonal balance, and even weight loss.

So there are bad fats and healthy fats or (good fats).

What are fats?

Fat is an essential nutrient, just like protein and carbohydrates.

Our body needs some fat for energy, to absorb vitamins, and to protect our heart and brain health.

And fat is the storage form of energy in the body.

Why does the body need fat in the first place?

Megan Fahey, nutritionist says:

-Fats are necessary to feel full.

- Fats are the macronutrients that stimulate the brain to perceive the feeling of fullness while eating.

- Necessary for the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

- The body can absorb the four vitamins (A, D, E, and K) only in the presence of fat; In addition, many antioxidants such as lycopene are better absorbed in the presence of fat.

- Maintains brain function and the ability of neurons to fire signals.

- The brain is basically a block of fat and cholesterol, so dietary fat is important to provide the brain with the essential elements it needs to function.

- Fat also coats, insulates, and protects nerves, to be able to send signals between the brain and the body.

- Fat and cholesterol stimulate sexual activity (Saturated fats and cholesterol are essential in the synthesis of sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, and also help maintain overall hormonal balance).

What is the relationship between fats and cholesterol?

Fat plays a major role in cholesterol levels in the body; and depending on the type of fat you consume there are good and bad types of cholesterol.

1-LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is the “bad” kind.

2-HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is the “good” kind.

The bottom line is to keep LDL levels low and HDL high, which may protect against heart disease and stroke.

so we have to reduce bad fats and focus on good fats.


What are the BAD fat and GOOD fat?

Most of the foods we eat contain saturated and unsaturated fats; What matters is the percentage in it, which ultimately makes it healthy or unhealthy.

If we divide fats in terms of benefit to the body, they are divided into two parts:

1-Bad fats :

There are two types: Saturated fat and Trans fat.

A- Saturated fat:

It is a fat saturated with hydrogen atoms and is solid at room temperature.

A high intake of saturated fat over a long period may increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke and this because of raising the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the body.

Eat no more than 13 grams of saturated fat per day depending The American Heart Association (AHA).

We find it:

* Red meat (beef, lamb, pork).

* Chicken skin.

* Whole-fat dairy products (milk, cream, cheese).

* Butter.

* Ice cream.

* Lard.

* Tropical oils such as coconut and palm oil.

B- Trans fat:

It’s artificial trans fats, and the most dangerous fats to human health and should be avoided completely, and it is found in foods containing hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods, and some types of baked goods, pastries, and fast foods.

This kind of fats helps to increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, in addition to increasing the chance of inflammations in the body, which poses a risk for diseases such as heart, diabetes, and stroke.

We find it:

- cookies, doughnuts, muffins, cakes, pizza dough, - Commercially baked pastries.

- Packaged snack foods as, microwave popcorn, crackers, chips...

- margarine, vegetable shortening.

- fried foods and hydrogenated vegetable oil.


2-Good fats:

Healthy fats are unsaturated fats; they are healthy and useful fats that nutrition experts advise eating because of their importance and the benefits that the body derives as a result of obtaining this type of fat, which is mainly represented in reducing harmful cholesterol in the body and raising the proportion of good cholesterol, and they are usually liquid at room temperature because unsaturated fats contain one or more double bonds in their chemical structure.

Therefore, unsaturated fats can be classified based on their chemical structure into two types:

A-Monounsaturated fat:

They contain in their chemical composition one double bond, and are usually liquid at room temperature.

We find it:

- Avocados.

- Nuts (pecans, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, almonds…).

- Olive, canola, peanut, and sesame oils.

- Peanuts butter.

B- Polyunsaturated fat :

They have two or more double bonds in its chemical structure, and is also liquid at room temperature.

We find it:

-Fatty fish (tuna, trout, mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines) and fish oil.

- pumpkin seeds, Sunflower, sesame.

- Flaxseed.

- Walnuts.

- Soybean and safflower oil.

- Soymilk.

- Tofu.

- eggs( Eggs are back on the list of healthy foods after they were excluded).

Also Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat and it plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy heart; and they help to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.

The bottom line :

Fats are an important part of your daily balanced diet, but you should focus on healthy fats and avoid unhealthy fats as much as possible to get the most benefit and avoid the risks of diseases resulting from eating saturated fats.




Tuesday, July 6, 2021

the best time for exercising

Is there a preferred time to exercise?


The benefits of sports are many and varied, for that we find most people exercising.

But a daily regular exercise at a specific time, this is what makes it difficult for many people; so we find those who prefer morning exercise and other who like the evening exercise.

Now the question is” Is there a golden hour to exercise?”; let's find out what science says about the best time of day to exercise.

Exercising is important, no matter what time of day you do it, and there is no bad time to exercise in general, but the importance of the time depends on your goal from the exercise.

So let’s clarify what the science says about the morning exercise and the evening one.


Advantages of morning exercises:

*Anthony Hackney, professor in the Department of Exercise and Sports Science at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill says that exercising in the morning is the best way to burn stored fat; and the hormones in the morning work to support this goal, which makes it ideal for weight loss.

Also, the morning exercises before breakfast (With the need to drink water) make you derive your energy from your fat reserves, which helps you lose weight.

*One of the main health benefits of exercise is that it enables you to sleep more deeply and comfortably; where people who exercise in the morning tend to fall asleep faster than those who exercise later in the day.

*Sweating in the morning may also improve mental health and productivity throughout the day, since exercise is so helpful in reducing stress.

*The researchers also found that on the days when the participants exercised in the morning, their physical activity increased more throughout the day than on the days when they did not exercise in the morning.

Advantages of evening exercises:

If your daily schedule does not allow you to exercise in the morning you can do it in the afternoon or in the evening.

*Studies have found that afternoon exercises improve muscle function and strength, as well as increase endurance.

The body temperature is at its highest between two and six in the evening, the period when the body is most prepared for sports, which enhances muscle strength, enzyme activity, and endurance.

*The body's reaction speed increases in the afternoon and evening and this is important to do High-intensity interval training and reduces the chances of injury while doing exercises.


the bottom line is you can choose the best time for you, according to your goal from these exercises, and according to your daily schedule; but in general, there is no bad time in a bad sense.






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the 6 main vitamins for healthy skin

 The most important vitamins for skin care

skin care

If the skin gets all vitamins that it needs, this will help it to maintain its healthy appearance, youth, and freshness, and  it also reduces the appearance of dark spots, redness, wrinkles, and excessive dryness.

The skin usually obtains these vitamins from food, nutritional supplements (should be under the supervision of the doctor), as well as cosmetic creams.

Below we will know about the essential vitamins to maintain beauty, youth and freshness of our skin.

Skincare daily is essential to maintain elegance and excellence, therefore, we must ensure that the skin receives the necessary vitamins during the daily care routine.

What are the most important vitamins for healthy skin?

The most important vitamins for the skin you must make sure of their presence:

1- Vitamin A

2- Vitamin B

3- Vitamin C

4- Vitamin D

5- Vitamin E

6- Vitamin K


1- Vitamin A:

Vitamin A contributes to controlling melanin pigment, which contributes to giving the skin its color, and it also helps stimulate the production of new skin cells.

Vitamin A contributes to the rapid replacement of sun-exposed skin cells that suffer from tanning with new, whiter cells.

Also, vitamin A is among the most effective vitamins for acne treatment and skincare.

Over 700 studies showing vitamin A make skin more healthy and youthful.

Where do we get vitamin A?

vitamin A

Dark green or yellow vegetables and fruits (such as broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, carrots, and apricots), it is also available in milk, cheese, and eggs.


2-Vitamin B:

Vitamin B is not just a single vitamin; it is a complex of 8 vitamins, and they are (B1- B2- B3- B5- B6- B7- B9- B12), and vitamins B good for skin include B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, and B9 each of which works to achieve a specific benefit for the skin.


Vitamin B1 eliminates free radicals and toxins on the skin, improving blood circulation process.


Vitamin B2 promotes the development and growth of cells, maintaining skin looking younger longer.


Vitamin B3 enhances moisture on your skin and also lightens skin by enhances immune function, improves blood circulation.

also protecting the skin by enhancing the production of ceramide and fatty acid which contribute to protecting the skin.

It is very important especially for dry and sensitive skin; because it prevents the movement of oil in the skin cells, limiting the pigmentation on your skin.


vitamin B5 is very useful to heal wounds, especially minor wounds and minor burns.


Regulates sebum secretion of the skin, and lack of vitamin B6 causes dermatitis.


It is important for healthy skin; the deficiency of vitamin B7 can cause dry skin, dermatitis, and other skin problems.


Vitamin B9 is involved in the formation of skin cells and the lack of it will cause skin problems.


B12 boosts the radiance of dull and mature skin.

Where do we get vitamin B?

vitamin B

We find B vitamins in meat (especially liver), seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, legumes, leafy greens, seeds, and fortified foods, such as breakfast cereal and nutritional yeast


3-Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is considered as one of the best vitamins for the skin, it reduces dark spots and redness marks, especially for those who suffer from psoriasis; it also protects against excessive dryness, so it is difficult to find a skincare product that is free of vitamin D.

Helps in the formation of new healthy cells, including skin cells, and also contributes to maintaining skin tone.

Where do we get vitamin D?

vitamin d from sun

Vitamin D is available through exposure to sunlight 15 minutes a day.

To avoid sun damage and ultraviolet rays, just avoid the peak time from 10 am to 4 pm, to, and it can also be obtained by eating many foods, including :

-oily fish – such as salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel

-red meat


-egg yolks

-fortified foods – such as some fat spreads and breakfast cereals.


4-Vitamin C:

It has antioxidant and collagen-stimulating properties, therefore we find it included in the composition of many anti-wrinkle skin care products.

It reduces cell damage and helps activate the mechanism of their renewal.

It provides protection from skin dryness and delays the appearance of signs of aging on the skin, as it helps in the production of collagen, which is necessary for the health and youth of cells.

Where do we get vitamin C?

vitamin c

Citrus fruits are an essential source of vitamin C, and we also find it in strawberries, broccoli, and spinach.


5- Vitamin E:

 It is an antioxidant vitamin like vitamin C, and its main function is protecting skin from the sunlight; vitamin E reduces the damage caused by ultraviolet rays, which help prevent dark spots and wrinkles.

Vitamin E is essential for the growth of healthy skin tissue and prevents the accumulation of excess fat on the skin.

vitamin E retains the skin moisturizing which helps to reduce the dryness of the skin.

Where do we get vitamin E?


already vitamin E is manufacturing by the body.

We find also vitamin E in plant-based oils, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

-Wheat germ oil

-Sunflower, safflower, and soybean oil

-Sunflower seeds


-Peanuts, peanut butter

-Beet greens, collard greens, spinach


-Red bell pepper




Skincare experts recommend using creams containing vitamin C and vitamin E at the same time because they are more beneficial in protecting the skin than products that contain one of these two vitamins without the other.

6-Vitamin K:

Its role is effective in treating cracks, inflammation of the veins, scars, brown spots, and dark circles surrounding the eyes.

For its importance we find most of the under eye creams contain vitamin K as the basic component.

Where do we get vitamin K?

vitamin k

We find vitamin K in:

-green leafy vegetables – such as broccoli and spinach

-vegetable oils

-cereal grains

-Small amounts can also be found in meat and dairy foods.


The bottom line:

Healthy skin needs us to provide it with all the necessary elements and avoid all that may harm it.

-A healthy, balanced diet is essential to get all the nutrients and vitamins needed for the skin.

-Avoid exposure to the sun for long periods of time, especially in the summer, and Exposure to the sun for 15 minutes a day is necessary to obtain vitamin D, and the preferred time is either hours of sunrise or sunset.

-It is  preferable and recommended to use high-quality and reliable sunscreens and moisturizing products, under the supervision of a doctor.

-It is preferable to obtain nutrients and vitamins from food, but you must obtain permission from your doctor when necessary to use nutritional supplements.

-Drinking enough water daily is a very important thing to maintain healthy skin.

-Also exercising regularly is very important for healthy and attractive skin.








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