Tuesday, March 29, 2022


 Tips to take care of dry hair for women naturally

dry hair

Dry hair usually looks brittle and rough, so you find many women looking for the best products to get smooth and thick hair.

Many women also resort to using safe natural mixtures that help solve the problem of dry hair

Natural oil mixtures are considered one of the most successful and safe ways to get healthy and beautiful hair if used correctly and frequently.

 Here are tips to take care of dry hair in natural ways.

Tips for taking care of dry hair the natural way:

dry hair

there are a lot of tips to treat dry hair but these are the most important.

1-Reducing the number of times you wash your hair:

Instead of washing your hair on a daily basis, wash it only twice a week, because most shampoos are rich in chemicals, which leads to hair damage with repeated daily use, in addition to the frequent use of shampoo helps to get rid of the oils that exist in the scalp, which leads to its dryness more.

2-Use of natural oils:

If you suffer from dry hair, use natural oils such as coconut oil and jojoba oil. Natural oils are one of the most important ingredients that help get rid of dry hair.

Choose your favorite oil and massage it into your hair before taking a shower, and then enjoy shiny and healthy hair.

For example, you can use a warm oil mask.

It is using a group of healthy oils rich in antioxidants and vitamin E as a mask for dry hair, all you have to do is apply these steps:

A- Use a mixture of one or more of the following oils: coconut oil, almond oil, castor oil, and jojoba oil.

B- Heat this mixture a little until it becomes warm.

C- Massage the scalp with warm oils and make sure to distribute the oil to all parts of the hair, then cover the head with a warm, damp towel.

D- Wash your hair using water and a good quality shampoo after about 30-45 minutes have elapsed.

3-Use a natural hair mask to moisturize hair:

Apply natural masks that help moisturize the hair. Choose natural ingredients and home mixtures and apply them to your hair to restore its moisture and vitality.

4- Avoid heat styling hair:

Avoid using hairdressers extensively, due to the high temperatures of these machines, which leads to dry and brittle hair; therefore, try to dry your hair, but with moderate heat so that the hair is not exposed to damage and dryness.


The bottom line:

Try applying these tips and make them your daily routine and you will see the difference after a short time.

Reliable natural ingredients are safer for hair than chemical products, so it would be good to stay away from everything that is artificial as much as possible.



Saturday, March 26, 2022




Fenugreek is one of the herbs that have been used in alternative medicine for a long time in order to treat skin diseases and many other diseases.

Fenugreek is used in preparing the most important natural masks for the face due to its many benefits for the skin.

Therefore, many girls resort to using fenugreek in order to get beautiful skin.

Benefits of fenugreek for the skin:

-Fenugreek has strong anti-bacterial properties that help in controlling acne, regulating sebum secretion in the skin, this reduces the incidence of acne again.

-The antioxidant properties of fenugreek help eliminate dead skin cells that have accumulated on the skin tissues over time.

-Fenugreek contains vitamins C and K that help in lightening the under-eye area by controlling the excessive production of melanin.

-Regular use of fenugreek on the skin helps fade pigmentation spots, blemishes, and acne scars.

-Fenugreek has potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help control inflammation in your skin while promoting faster skin healing.

-Free radicals present in your skin are responsible for the appearance of age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines on your skin.

-Fenugreek contains phenolic compounds, which makes it a deep cleanser for the skin, makes it brighter and fuller.

-The fenugreek exfoliates the skin and opens the pores of the face by removing dead skin, fats, sweat, and other accumulated pollutants. 

-Fenugreek also contains fats and natural oils that help moisturize and nourish the skin.

Fenugreek is rich in important nutrients such as folic acid, niacin, vitamins A, C, B6, riboflavin, thiamine, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, calcium, selenium, manganese.

So ground fenugreek mask helps fill in the face and its freshness with continuous and regular use.


fenugreek face masks:

Fenugreek provides the skin with a lot of benefits, and even gives you immediate results, the following is a set of ground fenugreek masks for all skin types.

1-Fenugreek and honey mask for all skin types:

the components:

Two tablespoons of ground fenugreek.

A tablespoon of cold water.

A tablespoon of honey.

How to prepare and use:

Mix the ground fenugreek with water, then add honey.

Apply the mask to the face and neck for 20 minutes.

We wash the face with lukewarm water and moisturize it with cream.

Do it once a week.


2-Fenugreek and milk mask for skin whitening:

The components:

Two tablespoons of ground fenugreek.

Three tablespoons of warm milk.

Two teaspoons of rose water.

How to prepare and use:

Mix the ground fenugreek with milk, rose water well.

Spread the mask on the face, and leave it for 30 minutes.

Before removing the mask, massage the face in gentle circular motions.

Wash the face with lukewarm water.

Repeat it twice a week at least.


3- Fenugreek mask for oily skin:

The components:

Three teaspoons of aloe vera gel.

A teaspoon of chickpea flour.

 Two teaspoons of ground fenugreek.

How to prepare and use:

Mix the ingredients well.

Apply the mask to clean skin and leave it for 30 minutes.

Wash the face well with lukewarm water.

The mask can only be used once a week for oily skin.


4- Fenugreek mask to get rid of acne:

The components:

Three teaspoons of ground fenugreek.

 Five tablespoons of rose water.

 pinch of turmeric.

 Three drops of tea tree oil.

How to prepare and use:

Mix all ingredients well.

We wash the face first with water and lotion and dry it.

Put the mask on the face, and leave it for 45 minutes.

Wash the face well with lukewarm water.

We do this once or twice a week to control acne breakouts.


5- Fenugreek mask to exfoliate the skin:

The ground fenugreek can be used to make a skin scrub instead of synthetic exfoliants; It deeply cleans the pores and removes dead skin without causing strong skin friction.

The components:

Three tablespoons of ground fenugreek.

 A tablespoon of coconut oil.

How to prepare and use:

Mix the ground fenugreek with coconut oil well.

Put the mixture on the face.

Massage the face in gentle circular motions for 5 to 10 minutes.

Wash the face with lukewarm water and your special skin lotion.

Repeat it two or three times a week to exfoliate the dead skin from your skin efficiently.

sources: (1) - (2) - (3) - (4) - (5)



Friday, March 25, 2022



face yoga exercises

At a time when many women resort to the use of face creams, masks, serums, and even cosmetic operations in order to obtain smooth, clear, and wrinkle-free skin, others resort to practicing facial yoga exercises to remove wrinkles in a more healthy way.

According to New York dermatologist Elaine Marmar, we have to pay special attention to our faces and take care of them with regular daily exercise.

A study conducted by scientists in the Department of Dermatology at Northwestern Medical School in Chicago, USA, showed that facial exercises are a safe and low-cost method that leads to improving its appearance, “by enlarging and strengthening its muscles to become more solid, as the face through these exercises looks younger, in the case of if you do these exercises regularly.


What are face yoga exercises?

Facial yoga is a series of repetitive exercises through which we stimulate and move the facial muscles through the principles of tension and relaxation, which increases the facial harmony and smoothness of the skin and has many other great benefits.

Face yoga guarantees you a bright look in an atmosphere of meditation and breathing, but it takes some patience and perseverance.


The goal of face yoga:

"I'm here to make you always look young" is the motto of the American Academy of Japanese origin.

Fumiko Takatsu, she is a lady who created and developed "face yoga" after a traffic accident, so she decided to "help everyone to walk with confidence in this world," she says.

Fumiko Takatsu explained on her website, that it means "confidence that stems from the congruence of our internal state with the shape of our faces in the mirror because the contradiction between them is what causes confusion and misunderstanding."


Benefits of face yoga exercises:

According to the site (mindbodygreen):

*"You won't find any unwanted wrinkles, because you have control over the movement of your face," says Takatsu.

*Practicing face yoga daily helps sculpt the cheekbones, and gives us plump and radiant skin that glows longer.

* Focusing on and strengthening specific muscles by stimulating blood flow to produce collagen that keeps the skin looking tight, and delays the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

* What's more, face yoga will help you become more able to control those unconscious expressions that may strike you.

* According to Takatsu, who believes that "20% of the benefits come from exercise, but 80% of the results come from being focused, paying attention to your facial expressions, straightening your shoulders, and tightening your forehead throughout the day.


How to do face yoga:

For optimal results, Takatsu recommends practicing facial yoga twice a day, once in the morning to wake up your facial muscles, and again before bed to get rid of all the stress you've built up during the day.

 Takatsu advises beginners to start with the largest muscles such as the neck and forehead area first, before moving on to more sensitive areas such as the eyes.

All you need is a quick warm-up, then focus on the muscles you want to target because the facial muscles are small and very sensitive.




Takatsu says the Big O exercise is quick and easy and helps relieve stress in the face and neck and improve blood circulation.

It also increases the oxygen entering the skin and does not take more than 30 seconds; it is as follows:

1- Move your jaw down as if you were yawning, and open your mouth without creasing your forehead.

2- Focus your eyes on the tip of your nose and then gradually raise them without moving your face. And focus them on the middle of the forehead.

3- Then if you can, look at the ceiling. Keep breathing through your nose for 10 seconds.

4- Repeat this exercise twice.

For better benefits watch the video:


Facial yoga expert Danielle Collins says:

These exercises are great for helping with nasal labial lines (smile lines)

by strengthening and toning the muscles around the mouth and cheek area, which tighten the skin attached to the muscles.


1-Puff both cheeks out full of air.

2- Use your fingers just to keep the area around the mouth really taut.

3- Make sure the up area of the mouth does not create any wrinkles.

4- transfer air from cheek to cheek.



This exercise helps boost the collagen around this area and it is as follows:

1- Make an O shape with your mouth.

2- Wrap your lips around your teeth.

3- take your two fingers to move up the nasal labial lines.

4- keep doing this; nicely and gently.



This one helps to boost collagen and elastin which helps the area t become plumper and firmer.

1- take two fingers for both hands.

2- thumb pinch and twist all the way around the area of the mouth.

3- moving up and down those nasolabial folds.

Watch the video for more details:



Facial yoga expert Danielle Collins says:

These exercises reduce lines around the neck area and, it is as follows:


1-Place your fingers into the collarbone.

2-tilt the head back and stick the bottom lip out a little bit.

3-hold this position and breathe deep.

4-slowly bring your head back down.


1-turn your head to one side until you feel the muscles at the side of the neck engaging (with a deep breath).

2- Do the same for the other side.

3-Repeat that twice for every side.


1-tilt your head back a little bit.

2-bring your tongue up to the roof of your mouth.

3-you’re going repeatedly to put your tongue towards the roof and back it down.

4-back your head to normal position and relax.

5-repeat this three-time.

Watch the video for more details:


Facial yoga expert Danielle Collins says:

Eye exercises require a minute daily, and this is to work on strengthening the muscles surrounding the eyes.

This is to reduce wrinkles in these areas and make the skin tighter and smoother.

And the exercise is as follows:

1- place your tow middle finger just in a little acupressure point for both sides with a little pressure.

2- place with much lighter pressure your index fingers just on the outer edge of your eyes.

3- Lookup but do not raise the eyebrows.

4- half close your eyes and you will feel a little shake( for 5 seconds).

5- release for 3 seconds.

You can do this exercise for one minute daily.

Watch the video for more details:



Takatsu says that one of the most important benefits of facial yoga is getting rid of forehead wrinkles caused by repeated facial movements throughout the day as a result of jitters, anxiety, and the like; by

applying pressure technique to the forehead.

 At first, you will feel a little sore but just keep applying the technique and you will feel so good; Just breathe well while doing this exercise.

and the technique is as follows:

1- make a fist with both hands.

2- place the joint of your index and the middle finger for both fists in the center of your forehead.

3-breath in, apply pressure by your fist, and breathe out.

4- move your hands to the side.

5- repeat that 3 times.

Takatsu also said that she likes to do it before bed.

Watch the video for more details:



Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 4 exercises to get rid of back pain


4 exercises to get rid of back pain

Complaining about back pain is very common and back pain is the most common reason for seeking medical treatment and absenteeism from work.

Many people suffer from back pain resulting from several reasons, including hard work all day, sudden injuries, or sitting to work for long periods.

It is necessary to discover ways to relieve back pain, to help you live your life normally. In this regard, daily physical activity is one of the best ways to manage and prevent pain, even if you feel some discomfort at first, the result is worth persevering, because movement helps prevent stiffness, maintains muscle strength, and helps in the healing process.


The German "Healthy Back movement " offers a set of simple exercises to get rid of back pain.

1- plank exercise:


When performing a plank, the back, buttocks, thighs, and neck form a straight line.

Lie on the stomach and extend the feet at the width of the waist, then lean on the tips of the toes and forearms, which are spread shoulder-width apart.


2- push up exercise:

push up

Push-ups are a traditional fitness exercise that works to strengthen the muscles of the entire body.

*In this exercise gets on the floor on all fours, positioning your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.

Don't lock out the elbows; keep them slightly bent. Extend your legs back so you are balanced on your hands and toes, your feet hip-width apart.

* Inhale as you slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor, until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.

* Exhale while contracting your chest muscles and pushing back up through your hands, returning to the start position.

Beginners can lean on the knees instead of the tips of the toes when doing the pushup.


3- leg extension exercise:

Leg extension exercise

Leg extension exercise helps to stretch the posterior thigh muscles, these muscles often cause pain in the lower back.

* When performing this exercise, you should lie on your back.

* Hold your thigh with your hands.

* Pull the thigh toward the upper body while keeping the leg straight.

* And when you want to intensify the stretching exercises, the toes can be pulled slightly towards the thigh.

4- vein therapy exercise:

vein therapy exercise

You can stimulate blood circulation by performing a vein therapy exercise.

This exercise is performed by standing on the tips of the toes, turning back on the heel, and raising the toes, then standing on the tips of the toes again, repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times at a calm and steady pace.




Argan oil for the beauty of your skin

argan oil for skin

Argan oil is one of the most popular oils in the beauty world, and the benefits of argan oil for the skin have made it one of the essential oils that many desire.

Often referred to as “liquid gold,” the nickname stems not only from its amber color but also from the valuable benefits that argan oil has for skin and hair.

This powerful product is extracted from the nuts of the argan tree.


Benefits of argan oil on the skin:

We review the most amazing benefits of argan oil on the skin that may make it essential in your beauty care routine.

1- Argan oil helps moisturize dry, flaky skin:

Thanks to the high levels of vitamin E and essential fatty acids, make argan oil has very moisturizing effects on dry skin.

In addition, the antioxidants in argan oil can also be beneficial for people who suffer from skin conditions such as eczema.

It mimics the natural oils secreted by the sweat glands in the face, as it works to provide a protective layer for the skin that prevents the skin from losing its moisture.


2- Argan oil fights wrinkles:

Argan oil fights wrinkles because it contains antioxidants, which give softness to the skin and fight small wrinkles of the face, such as wrinkles on the sides of the mouth or the sides of the eyes.

In 2014 study found that women who applied and consumed argan oil to their skin improved their skin’s ability to retain water (a key to reducing signs of aging).

3- Argan oil treats acne:

It is very useful for the skin because it moisturizes it without making it secrete extra fat.

And because it contains antioxidants, it is a good treatment for pimples and infections on the face.


4- Argan oil lightens skin tone:

as it contains antioxidants such as polyphenols and vitamin E, it considers a good ingredient for skin lightening, and good protection from the sunlight.


How can argan oil be used for the skin?:

argan oil for skin

To get the benefits of argan oil for the skin, it is preferable to use it pure without any other oils added, to get its effectiveness at a high rate.

It can be used as follows:

- Clean the skin well of dirt using lotion.

- Dry the skin slightly with a clean towel.

- Put a few drops, approximately 2-4 drops, on your hands.

- Gently massage your face and neck with it in a circular motion.

- Apply it before you start your morning routine, and do this at night too and leave it on overnight.

Other ways to use argan oil for the face:

- Use argan oil to prepare some meals.

- Massage the skin with argan oil after showering.

- Use face creams containing argan oil.

- Massage very gently the area under the eyes with a drop of argan oil regularly to combat dark circles.


Side Effects And Risks:

it can cause skin allergies or aggravate acne in people who have extremely sensitive skin or tree-nut allergies.

sources: (1) - (2) - (3).



Sunday, March 20, 2022

3 signs of a slow burning rate..... the solution

 How do I know that my burning rate is slow?

signs of a slow burning rate.

If you have these signs that we will talk about it later, know that your burning rate is slow.

Let us first discuss the meaning of slow-burning and explain it scientifically

Its scientific name is Metabolic Adaptation.

It means that the burning in your body has adapted to the dieting 

In other words, your body has adapted to receive a lack of food.

This is what causes the slow-burning.

Metabolic adaptation: is a collection of responses our body utilizes as a survival mechanism in response to weight loss efforts. 

We often think that calories in versus calories out are the only weight loss success predictor. However, another factor is metabolic adaptation in response to one's previous dieting history.

Some people may notice a slower burning compared to a previous period, all this is due to changes in your diet (the diets you used to follow), so the body already has adapted to the previous data.

Metabolic Adaptation signs:

There are three signs that let you know that your burning rate is slow

3 signs of a slow burning rate

1- The first sign is:

When you follow crash diets for long periods of time.

know that you will have Metabolic Adaptation at some point.

Let's know what is a crash diet?

It is a diet intended to help a person lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time typically by reducing the amount of food consumed to minimal levels.

in this type of diet, your body does not understand what the hell you are doing.

Eating constantly, but this food does not provide the required nutritional value for the body; It is not a healthy balanced diet.

In this case, the body adapts to the small amounts of food at some point, and as a result of that, the rate of burning decreases automatically.


2- The second sign is:

When you want to reduce the calories you eat in an attempt to lose weight, but no weight loss occurs.

know that you already have a Metabolic Adaptation.

Because your body already has adapted to the diets and small amounts of food that you previously applied to it.

Thus, your body has adapted to the slow-burning.


3- The third sign is:

If you try to fast, you will notice weight loss in your body after a while; even if you're eating the same calories that you tried on previous diets and they didn't work with you.

know you've been suffering from Metabolic Adaptation.

Because scientifically, there is nothing proven that treats metabolic adaptation except two things, fasting, and exercise. (1)


Fasting and exercise (resistance exercises)   are the only two things that are scientifically proven to increase the rate of burning in the body.

They raise norepinephrine hormone to high levels, allowing the body to restore high burning rates again.

(resistance exercises) : It increases muscle mass and improves insulin sensitivity.


The solution for increasing the rate of burning speed in the body:

*If you suffer from a problem of metabolic adaptation

As we said before, the only two things that can restore and increase the rate of burning the body again are fasting and resistance exercises.

*But if you want to get rid of this problem, you have to resort to these two solutions for the purpose of treating the body; and after that, you can think about losing weight.

* Also know that the results will not be quick so you have to deal with it patiently.


Tips during treatment:

-know that the treatment will not be quick, depending on the damage that your body had.

So do not be in a hurry to reach your goal.

- Always motivate yourself and remember that one day you will lose weight when you apply a healthy diet.

-Remind yourself that if you don't treat yourself from this problem, you will never lose weight.

- Be happy and motivated because you have finally found a solution to your problem, and you will become like other people you know who eat more calories than you, but their weights are good and do not increase, and this is all because their burning rate is fast.



Friday, March 18, 2022

vitamin D and immune function

Impact of vitamin D on immune function

vitamin D

Vitamins are a vital part of a healthy diet; the body needs a certain amount daily to maintain good health, vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins that contribute to the health and strength of the body's immunity.

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread, with about a billion people of all ages and ethnicities suffering from this deficiency, even in countries where the sun shines all year round.

A study conducted by the American Health Line magazine suggested that more than one billion people around the world suffer from vitamin D deficiency, and revealed that about 41.6 percent of American adults suffer from a deficiency and that this percentage rises to 69.2 percent among Hispanic adults; and 82.1 percent in African American adults.


How do you know you are deficient in Vitamin D?

*Observational studies conducted with nurses in the United States found a strong relationship between low levels of vitamin D and fatigue, as researchers found that 89 percent of nurses were deficient in this vitamin, which makes them tired and exhausted all the time.

*Medical News Today reports that "signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include fatigue and bone pain in general, while some people may experience more symptoms related to general lack of activity and even severe depression."

*One study suggests that one of the signs of a vitamin D deficiency may be present during sleep.

Research, one of which was published by the National Library of Medicine in the United States in 2020, shows the effect of vitamin D on fatigue and sleep quality in children. In a study of 39 children, low levels of vitamin D were associated with poor sleep quality, shorter duration of sleep, and later delays in sleep.

*Vitamin D deficiency in children causes diseases related to high blood pressure.

*In adults, vitamin D deficiency appears in the form of osteoporosis.

*The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology point to evidence that low vitamin D is linked to an increased risk of allergies.


The importance of vitamin D for health and immunity:

-Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient essential to the health and functioning of the immune system.

-Vitamin D also boosts the fight against pathogens in white blood cells and plays an important role in reducing inflammation, which helps boost the immune response.

-The "Medical News Today" magazine reports that studies confirm the link of a deficiency in vitamin "D" to respiratory infections, such as colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

-In addition to the benefits of vitamin D in strengthening the body's immune system, there are other benefits that are no less important, including, according to what "Medical News Today" reported, promoting healthy bones and teeth, regulating insulin levels, and supporting diabetes management, lung function, and cardiovascular health.

-It plays an important role in regulating calcium and maintaining phosphorous levels in the blood.


Vitamin D and corona-virus:

- A recent study indicated that patients with corona who have adequate levels of vitamin D have a lower risk of death and negative symptoms of the virus decrease.

- Studies have shown that patients over the age of 40 with adequate levels of vitamin D are 51.5 percent less likely to experience negative symptoms from the virus, including loss of consciousness, lack of oxygen, and death, compared to patients who are deficient in this vitamin.

- A recent study of 11,321 people from 14 countries showed that taking vitamin D supplements reduced the risk of acute respiratory infection.

Low levels of this vitamin are associated with an increased risk of respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, asthma, and COPD, as well as viral and bacterial respiratory infections.


Important sources of Vitamin D:

vitamin d

*Studies have shown that exposure to sunlight between 15 and 20 minutes three days a week is usually sufficient for a person trying to obtain vitamin D.

*A healthy diet can also be a good way to get healthy levels of vitamin D, and according to the National Health Service the following foods are good sources of vitamin D:

- oily fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel.

- Vitamin D can also be found in red meat, egg yolks, and breakfast cereals.

-And if you prefer to take vitamin D supplements instead of these food options or along with them, it is recommended that you consult your doctor to adjust the necessary amounts.

-Eating fresh milk also boosts the body with vitamin D, as well as orange juice.



Thursday, March 17, 2022

healthy breakfast ideas

 Healthy and filling breakfasts

healthy breakfast

In order to start a new day full of vitality and activity, it is necessary to choose a healthy breakfast, which provides the body with the necessary nutrients it needs, without leading to an increase in weight.

Below, we review some options for a healthy breakfast.


1-  Smoothie:

Smoothie for health breakfast

A low-calorie meal, a quick and easy choice for a concentrated dose of nutrients.

Any healthy ingredient can be added to the smoothie, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts, soaked seeds that increase fiber intake, dairy products, and protein powders can also be added to promote feelings of fullness and help you feel fuller for longer.

Now, this video shows you 3 healthy smoothie bowl recipes:


2- eggs:


Eggs are a rich source of protein and important vitamins and minerals, such as selenium and riboflavin, and it is a relatively low-calorie meal.

It makes you feel full, reduces the desire to eat, and thus helps promote weight loss.

eggs also full of anti-inflammatory antioxidants and choline, a nutrient that boosts brain function.

 For a nutritious and complete breakfast, you can add some vegetables.


3- Greek yogurt:

greek yogurt for health breakfast

Greek yogurt is low in calories and high in protein, it is full of beneficial nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin B12, zinc, potassium, and phosphorous.

Some types of greek yogurt are good sources of probiotics that support digestion and gut health.

Adding berries or chopped fruit to greek yogurt adds more nutritional value, due to its richness in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Here is a short video explaining how to make greek yogurt:


4- Cottage Cheese:

Cottage Cheese for healthy breakfast

Cottage cheese is a great choice for a low-calorie, high-protein breakfast; gives a feeling of satiety and reduces hunger, and supports weight loss.

Cottage cheese can be eaten with many other nutritious foods such as fresh fruit such as berries or peaches, vegetables such as tomatoes or cucumbers, or seeds such as chia or flaxseeds or granola.

This video will help you prepare it at home:



oats for healthy breakfast

Oats are rich in beta-glucan fibers that help reduce cholesterol levels and also promote feelings of fullness by delaying stomach emptying.

and stimulate the secretion of the satiety hormone, which may prevent overeating.

Oats are also a good source of iron, B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.

Milk can be added with oats instead of water or served with eggs, or you can add other foods, such as berries or strawberries, which are rich in antioxidants, or nuts and almond butter, which are rich in healthy fats.



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